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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Media Filter Results go to 404 page

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  • Ami

    Hi! I absolutely adore this plugin and am using it successfully for taxonomy and post type searches. I’m implementing image tags on my site, and I have set up a new taxonomy for image tagging. The taxonomy is only assigned to attachments. I created a taxonomy-images.php file in my theme, and everything is displaying perfectly. I’m now trying to add a search and filter form to the taxonomy-images.php page. The correct taxonomy terms are showing up in the form, but when I filter, it takes me straight to a 404 page. I’m hoping you can help troubleshoot?

    Will do a private reply with my test site URLs. Thank you!

    This reply has been marked as private.

    OK and actually, I figured it out. For anyone who is looking at this – be sure that your display results slug is NOT the same as your taxonomy slug. That fixed it!

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