Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Make tag/category links not display posts as "blog"

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  • Anonymous

    If you click on an entry in our search results, you get a page describing the camp program. From there it shows some of the searchable tags/categories. If you click on those links, however, it takes you to a blog-style list of posts matching that tag. On the demo, clicking on one of the genres changes the search table to those results. We’d like a similar result.

    So either
    1) We need to disable those links completely on the post entry.
    2) We need to have those links take you back to the search page with that criteria pre-selected.

    Here is a link to our page:


    The behavior (of the post pages/links) are from your theme, not from our plugin. The post grid you have in the results sends you to the individual post page, and from then onwards the theme is in control. You would need to identify the individual post page template (PHP file) and see how it makes the links. My guess is that it uses a standard WordPress function to do that, you you might be best to set up a redirect, such as I describe in this post:

    BTW, you might find it better to change the site Permalinks structure to ‘Post name’ instead of the date based one you have right now.


    Here is my work-around:

    I went to Elementor–>My Templates–>Single and edited the template in elementor. When I clicked on the element with the links (I think it is a Meta Data element?), it brought up a pane with each field. There was a toggle for “links.” I turned them off.

    I was going to have them all just link back ot the serach but for some reason only the custom fields let you put a custom url. If I select Link for the author field it doesn’t give you an option. I guess I could have used a custom field for that too. I kind of would like if it would pop up with a description of the author (or in our case, location).

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