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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Base filter results before user query

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Kris Simpson

    Hi There,
    Ive setup the search filter and it works great, only issue im having is when a user loads the page, i want an unfiltered result to load.
    I get that the results div isnt filled until its updated by ajax, and if i use one of the filter options, then change it back to “All Items” it works as intended, i just need this “unfiltered” result to show first.

    I say “unfiltered” as it is filtered in the SF Tags,Categories,Taxonomies tab settings, but thats the base results i want to see.

    Hopefully this is clear enough, thanks in advance.

    Trevor Moderator

    Are you able to send me a live link/URL to your search page so I can take a look?

    Kris Simpson

    It’s on a local staging site right now sorry, I’m sure it’s something I’ve missed in the configuration though, what needs to go in the results area if it’s an archive?

    In the template I’ve created the search control, then created the #content div, but the div is empty.

    As I said Ajax fills it when the sf controls are interacted with, but nothing before.

    Is there anything I can send you to assist as the site isn’t accessible outside my network

    Trevor Moderator

    If you have set ‘As an Archive’, then the template file needs to be specified and must conform to WordPress Codex rules for an archive template. That would usually mean a file called search.php or one called archive.php

    If you have Skype, you could share your screen to show me (tomorrow).

    Kris Simpson

    Ah ok, the page is not loading a search query, I was hoping this plugin would actually do that since its GUI allows me to filter on a specific taxonomy. Is there a different configuration i can use to make it load results on load?

    Happy to Skype you too, but I’m in Sydney so would need to be in the next hour if possible or tomorrow before this time.

    Trevor Moderator
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    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Kris Simpson

    Thanks heaps for your help Trevor!! This is working great now and really appreciate your assistance.

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