Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Customizing "Found Results" text above search results

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  • Anonymous

    I would like to be able to style the “Found # Results” / “Page # of #” message that is above my search results but do not see a way to do this.

    1) This text is not inside any container that I can easily target in CSS and also uses a hard break <br>

    2) The “Found # results” text is shown above the results by default, even before any search has been applied. Not ideal — can this be hidden only until a search has been posted to the form?


    Are you using our Shortcode Display Result Method, as described here:

    If so, follow the guide on customising and then edit that new results.php file, where you will find the text you are looking for.


    Yep I am using a shortcode. Thank you. I will give that a try.


    OK. Let me know how you get on.

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    In the results.php file, there is this line:

    <p><br /><?php the_excerpt(); ?></p>

    Your theme might be adding the extra <p> parts. Try changing the line to this:

    `<div><?php the_excerpt(); ?></div>


    That fixed it! Thanks!!

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