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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Limited Support in preparation for Search & Filter 2.0


  • This topic has 188 replies, 80 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Ross.
Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 189 total)
  • Ross Moderator

    Hi all

    Just to let you know that support is currently reduced.

    We’re busy working on a now delayed S&F 2.0 – which has a bunch of new features as well as large number of bug fixes.

    In the meantime we will of course try to get you up and running, however no further bug fixes will be addressed until 2.0 is released – this is to avoid working on older versions and focusing all efforts on 2.0.

    I’ll update back here with any progress.

    If anyone wants to try out any new features and do some beta testing please get in touch.


    Update 22/06/15
    After plenty more changes and going back to the drawing board with some features (more than once) I’ve now implemented the largest feature coming to 2.0 – this is the dynamic count and auto hiding of fields/terms that do not yield any search results.

    Anyone waiting to help with beta testing this feature will get an update in the next 24hrs via email.

    Thanks for your patience, S&F 2.0 is almost here 🙂

    Trisha Miller
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    Ross Moderator
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    Trisha Miller
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    Attila Bacsó
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    Christopher Martin
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    Giacomo Armando Rossi
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    Christopher Martin

    Hi there! Any news on 2.0? 🙂

    Ross Moderator

    Hi all, please check the update in my original post.


Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 189 total)

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