Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro replace search page with search and filter widget


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  • Anonymous

    I am using elementor pro and follow your tutorial to put a search and filter widget in search page. Everything is working fine except one.

    User come to search page after searching something let’s say “wordpress”. On the search result of “wordpress” but as soon as user clicks on any filter, “wordpress” is removed from filter list and only the filter item available in “search and filter” shown on the page.

    How to correct this behaviour, before this module I was using wpsolr and search page was working fine.


    Are you able to send me a live link/URL to your search page so I can take a look?

    You are performing a standard text search, yes?


    website link:
    yes I was doing simple text search.


    It may be necessary to:

    1. Set up a specific page in Elementor as the search results page
    2. Remove their standard search widget from the design and create another search form (in S&F) that has just the search box, using the Custom method, Ajax off and the URL of the new search results page).


    Did everything and it is working fine too.

    But there is a problem in styling, can you help me to style search box on the homepage and search result on result page.

    you can check both here:

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