Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Hide Pagination when using wp-navi instead

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  • Anonymous

    I’d like to hide the s&f pagination text “Page x of y”, as I am using wp-pagenavi for navigation, so it’s become redundant. I have hidden the “older” and “next” texts using css, but I haven’t been able to hide the pagination without also hiding my wp-pagenavi pagination. Is there a solution to hide s&f pagination entirely (without using infinite scroll)?


    Are you are using our Shortcode Display Results method? If so, it detects if the WP-PageNavi plugin is present and uses that instead. Otherwise you would need to edit the results.php file to replace the navigation code in there. If you are using any other method to display the results, then it is the theme or posts plugin that controls this display.


    Hi Trevor,
    Yes, I am using shortcode but it was my results.php which needed updating. Thanks for that, all fixed now.

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