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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Hide empty taxonomies based on whether the form's overall parameters

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  • Kristina Ackerman

    Hi! I have a search form that has a meta exclusion set so that it only includes posts with a certain value, which is working great. (In fact, I have two forms and that meta field has two values and each form includes results based on one or the other value; this is working perfectly.) The only trouble is that it leaves the “hide empty” checkbox on my taxonomy dropdowns a little buggy, in that I have taxonomies that aren’t truly empty but none of the posts they contain are eligible for this particular form. Would it be possible for those “hide empty” checkboxes in a future build to hide taxonomies that will show an empty results set on the form in question?

    Ross Moderator

    Yup I’m literally working on that feature right now haha! 🙂

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