Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Results display issue

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  • Anonymous


    I have categorized all my PDF files in my site and want them to appear in the search results. It does appear, but I want to customize the way the results look on the page. I am using the shortcode method to display the search results and I use elementor page builder to build my pages.

    I want the results to have lesser spacing between them, or even appear vertically in the page. I dont have any idea of coding, so can use help to customize my results page.


    Are you able to send me a live link/URL to your search page so I can take a look?

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    I would be inclined to have a Custom Post Type (maybe Worksheets), with a thumbnail/featured image and a custom field with the URL of the pdf resource, and paste into the text part of the post the textual part of the pdf and an excerpt for the search results.

    Then you can change the code of the results template to link directly to the pdf file, rather than the post page.

    It might work also if instead of the file name/path of the pdf, that you could simply paste the ID of the media post, but that might require more coding in the template.

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