Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Integrating elementor pro with Search and filter Pro

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  • Anonymous

    Hi guys,

    Currently i am still facing an issue when i try integrating it with elementor page builder.
    I went to search up the documentation and chance upon this site.
    I ‘tried’ to follow the steps. But had abit of difficulty trying to understand this point
    (Before the Posts Widget, tell S&F that it needs to filter the grid by adding a text area and adding our filter_next_query shortcode:
    [searchandfilter id=”123456″ action=”filter_next_query”] )

    What i did :
    1) created a section with 2 columns.
    2)add a post widget to the right
    3)add a ‘shortcode’ widget to the left.
    4)in the shortcode widget i pasted this short code as instructed. [searchandfilter id=”934″ action=”filter_next_query”] << also changed the searchandfilter id to match my search form an elaboration of how i execute the steps(it’s just a min short video no worries)

    Results: nothing came out of the shortcode widget. However i went back to edit the shortcode widget to
    [searchandfilter id=”934″] and remove away action=”filter_next_query” apparently some ‘things’ came out. But i know that i might have did something wrong.

    Please kindly advise me what steps did i missed out or i should have done.


    Updates : i have added this shortcode > [searchandfilter id=”123456″ action=”filter_next_query”]
    to the ‘Post WIdget’ of elementor pro > under Content > Query > Query ID
    As shown here :

    and instead of inputting [searchandfilter id=”934″ action=”filter_next_query”] to the shortcode widget, i have changed it to [searchandfilter id=”934″]

    Results : right now, the post widget does not react to the search&filter plugin. When i click on categories of the S&F there was a ‘blink’ in the page but the result in the post-widget stays the same.

    Just wondering if there’s anything i’m missing. Please advise. Much thanks would be appreciated!

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