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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro WCK Custom Field Count

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  • Kathy Webber


    I think I have an odd bug (not even a bug really, but I would like to know how to fix it).
    I am using WCK to create a custom post type: Institutions, and a custom field: Institution Director. We have a list on the home page outlining how many institutions have achieved their accreditation, and we use the Search and Filter “Display Count”. Now: there is 1 too many. I believe I have tracked this down to it counting the number of posts in the Institution Post Type, and counting the 1 Custom field that we use in each as “1”. There are no other possibilities based on the results. Out of 288, being at 289 isn’t too bad, but it’s not precise. We still want to be able to search the contents of the custom field (since it’s the director’s name) but we don’t want Search and Filter to count that field. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

    Kathy Webber

    Tagged for email notification 🙂

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Kathy Webber

    Done – the update will have to wait as it’s a locked down Windows system that I don’t have access to (The file manager plugin won’t extract the Search and Filter files). Could you let me know if the update would address this?

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Kathy Webber

    Hi Trevor,

    Unfortunately the update doesn’t work, even with this fix plugin installed. The person with the login capability is away, so I can’t update the plugin for a while yet. So I can’t do anything until it’s updated, correct?

    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Kathy Webber

    I can, I just can’t update Search and Filter, and one other premium plugin. For Search and Filter, it says “too many redirects” and fails. I have installed the fix plugin you suggested, but it didn’t solve the problem.

    Trevor Moderator

    What version do you have currently installed?

    Kathy Webber

    It’s 2.4.3 🙂

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