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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search Date Range using ACF (Not using post_date)


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  • Steve Jones

    Is it possible to perform a date range search within the S&F plugin that ties in with the ACF date picker?

    From what I can see the only date related option I have relates to the post date, whereas the client has asked for some sort of event search functionality.

    The date search does work when referencing the post_date

    Ross Moderator

    Yup, ACF creates post meta, so you want to add a post meta field, and choose the date option 🙂

    Just be warned, ACF creates 3 most meta entries for a custom field, only one of them can be used with the field. If your custom field was “location” you would have:

    #1 _location
    #2 field_5a16902ae5c07
    #3 location

    You need to use key #3, without the underscore at the start of the key name, as it is this meta key that holds the term data.


    Steve Jones

    Excellent, thanks very much this sorted it.

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