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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search a certain field?

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  • Drew Rawitz


    I have a custom taxonomy for my post type which contains a bunch of zip codes. I’m not showing the zip codes on the front-end anywhere, it’s only stored on the backend. I want to create a search filter, where the user can type in a Zip Code and it will search based on that taxonomy.

    If I try and create a filter for that particular taxonomy, I only have the option to choose a dropdown, radio, checkbox, etc. I need a search field.

    Is that possible?


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Drew

    You can’t do that with S&F alone however I’ve integrated support for the Relevanssi plugin which will combine the power of Relevanssi to the search field in S&F – you can then set it to search in tags and custom field (via Relevanssi)..

    Once you’ve installed it you can find the setting to enable it under the “advanced” tab in your search form settings.


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