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Forums Forums General ACF within Post

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  • Adrian Davey


    I have recently purchased the Pro version of the plugin with the hope that this would solve my problem, however Im unsure if it can.

    The senario is as follows:
    Within my WP Post I have an ACF field. I have templated this into the results list. However if I try to search for the content of this ACF field, the search returns no results.

    Ideally I’d like this to work as per the WP Core excerpt, when I search for this content, it is shown in the results.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Trevor Moderator

    Are you using PHP or a shortcode to output these into the post layout? If so you might need to follow the instructions for using the free Relevanssi plugin (you must also install that plugin from

    In the Relevanssi plugin settings page, you should find options to add the categories/tags/taxonomies/custom fields/custom post types to the search, and you must also then build the index in Relevanssi after you save those settings.

    Adrian Davey

    Hi Trevor,

    Thank you for your help, I was unable to get this plugin to work in a way that suited our requirements, however I have an alternative now installed which does.

    Thank you for your time.

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