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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Display results via pre-determined link

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  • Daniel Rabin


    I’m am using Divi with a blog module to display search results.

    I would like to use a link that sends the user to the results page and displays a pre-determined search query (determined by me – based on a custom taxonomy).

    How do I achieve this?

    Trevor Moderator

    Thanks for contacting us. The general settings need to integrate with Divi are to be found in this post:

    If, on a given page, you want to give a fixed results set (where the user cannot change what is searched for), you would make a form in Search & Filter for that specific page (using the instructions) above, but the settings would be in filter only mode (with no form elements added in the Form UI).

    You would set the filters and sort in the various settings tabs. You would have Ajax disabled. In the page setup in Divi, you would not add the shortcode for the form, and I think the javascript can be omitted as well, and no need to set the Ajax Container. Much simpler in other words. I use a different theme myself and that uses the exact same method, and I use it a lot as simply a content filter, and not a search.

    Then all you do is link to the page in the normal WordPress way; no parameters needed in the URL.

    Daniel Rabin

    Thank you. This works really well

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