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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro count(): Parameter PHP (7.2) Warning when no products are found

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  • Christian


    I’m getting a PHP error when running a keyword search (/shop/?_sf_s=xfdsfsrfr) on the WooCommerce Shop S&F. I’m running PHP 7.2.

    All is fine when results exist, but the error appears only when no results are found.

    Please advise.

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    Trevor Moderator
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    Hi Trevor,

    We’re trying to keep PHP errors to an absolute minimum to save there being a huge log file over time. We will of course turn errors off on launch, but require them to show whilst still on staging.

    If this is to go to Ross is there any timeframe on this being introduced?

    Ross Moderator
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    That would be great Ross! Thank you 🙂

    Ross Moderator
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    Ross Moderator
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    Trevor Moderator
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