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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Removing "All Items" on Radio Button Post Meta

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  • Chee Chiu Ng


    i need to find a way on removing the “All Items” from my radio button. Could you kindly help me on that?

    Best Regards,

    Trevor Moderator

    The problem with doing this is that, with radio buttons, one option must always be chosen. Do you have an option that will always be the default? If not, you should use checkboxes instead.

    Chee Chiu Ng

    Hello Trevor,

    Yes, we have an option that will always be the default. Do you know a way to do this?

    Best Regards,

    Trevor Moderator

    You would need to code this yourself, but we have a filter for that:

    Filter Input Object

    It may be possible to do as you want with that. If you search our forum for sf_input_object_pre you might find some helpful snippets, plus there is a link to some snippet code on Github in that documentation):

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