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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Format number in range slider (with number_format() by example)

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  • Stephane


    I need to modify the format number displayed in range slider.

    I has been made easily elsewhere on the website with the number_format() function.

    However I have absolutely no idea how to implement it to affect the numbers displayed in search inputs.

    Thanks a lot for your help !

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Stephane

    I’m not sure its possible – the numbers you see are part of the html5 input type “number”.

    I had a quick look and found this:

    However it doesn’t really allow any custom control of the formatting – plus its not integrated with the plugin. You could try to hack the plugin source and make this change – if so I can direct you to the file.

    I’ll look at adding in something more robust in an upcoming version (where it doesn’t use HTML5 number inputs).



    Hi Ross,

    thank you for your answer. Yes, I think we have no choice and need to hack plugin source here, but this is not an issue for me here.

    However I’ve tried implementing lang=”nb” in both class-search-filter-generate-input.php and class-search-filter-display-shortcode.php, as well is my main <html> and nothing changed 🙁

    Help for making this work greatly appreciated !

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Stephane

    It sounds like what you are doing is the right way to modify… but the link I sent was just a quick google, I can’t verify if it works.

    I think your best bet is to change this type of field to a text field (I’m hoping this works.. .thinking its possible there might be some JS problems) – if you can do this then the next step would be run some JS which formats the numbers..

    Hope that helps!

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