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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Multi filtering down

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  • Steve Jones

    Hi, I’m trying to filter down options in my sidebar. I have one category (with various ID’s excluded) then below that another category (again with various ID’s exclude) and then 3-4 other categories below that the same with certain ID’s excluded. The problem is when you select from the first dropdown category then select from the next category below… it then cancels out your first choice.

    So you can’t filter down your options by first dropdown then second dropdown and so on. Each choice selected from each dropdown cancels out the previous dropdown option selected before.

    Is there a way / solution around this? it doesn’t seem right that you can only select a filter option once.


    Trevor Moderator

    In general, you can use a particular Taxonomy (or Category/Tags, each Taxonomy and each Custom Field) only once in the form. You would need to make additional custom taxonomies. This post tries to explain this a bit better (you can use a plugin to switch category terms from category to any new taxonomy that you make, so it is not so hard to do). It is a really awful preachy lecture I wrote:

    Sorry about the tone, but the message is right and it links to good plugins (except taxonomy switcher I think).

    Then to get one filter change to when another is set with an option, on the General settings tab:

    Set Auto Count (both settings) to ON

    And then in the Form UI:

    In each field set Hide Empty to ON

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