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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Hide Search Results on Page Load

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Dan Fiege

    Hey Ross,

    I’m wanting to hide the results on initial page load, but don’t see a setting for that. I’m attempting to do it with AJAX. When I set the ‘.search-filter-results’ to display: none, they hide. However, when target the first result (it’s a placeholder – “All States”) as a check to see if it’s selected or not, I can’t seem to get the results show if it’s not. Does my jQuery look sound?

    jQuery(document).bind('ready ajaxComplete', function() {
    if (!$j('#search-filter-form-205 .postform option[value="0"]')) {
    $j('#search-filter-form-205 .search-filter-results').css('display','block');

    URL is

    Ross Moderator

    Check the first question in the FAQs –

    This has the code to do what you need..

    I would start by hiding the results using CSS


    The use the ajax finish hook from the FAQs:

    $(".searchandfilter").on("sf:ajaxfinish",function(e, x){
       //show my results here


    Dan Fiege

    When you say “//show my results here,” do you mean I should include a call to display results as I was in the code sample I sent?

    $j('#search-filter-form-205 .search-filter-results').css('display','block');
    Ross Moderator

    Hey Dan

    I’m not sure what $j is, possibly an alias to jQuery?

    Anyway, yeah you would need to add the javascript for showing your results again, something like:



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