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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro How to disable scrolling by opening page?


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  • Daan van den Eeden

    We love the plug in but unfortunately we didn’t get it work on the way we want. If the page is loaded the page will automatic scroll to the search and filter section. How to disable this?

    Link to page:

    Trevor Moderator

    When I load the page URL given, it stays at the top of the page?

    I do not see our search on that page.

    The scroll to settings are on the Display Results settings tab, which can be set to NONE. I wonder if your theme CSS is causing any scrolling?

    Paul Braun

    I’m experiencing the same issue on this page:

    When the Display Results Page is set to Post Type Archive, then the above page starts to scroll. I’m not using Ajax, and the scroll settings are greyed out (but they are set to NONE)

    The results page is built with BeaverThemer.

    When I don’t use a Themer built archive, then there is no scrolling issue. The themer archive by itself does not have a scroll issue. Only when they are used together, to achieve great flexibility in the layout, does the scrolling come into play.

    Please advise,
    (Thank you)

    Daan van den Eeden

    @trevorsf, thanks for your reply. I just disabled the filter because the client want to send it to a test group. Another page where we encounter the same problem is:

    Just like Paul we do work with Beaver Themer.

    Trevor Moderator

    I will ask the plugin developer, Ross, for his input.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi all

    I figured out the issue.

    It is actually Beaver Builder Themer doing the scrolling, but only because we make 1 modification to the query.

    Basically, if you goto any archive and add ?page=1, you will see beaver themer kicks in and scrolls the page to the content area – so it is acting on whether the page variable is set.

    On a S&F results page ( ie, your archive ), we set the page variable, even on page load, to 1, rather than unset as expected by the Themer plugin.

    Anyway, I added a fix to our plugin, to not do this when Themer is enabled.

    I will follow up separately with a link so you can download the fix.


    Ross Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ross Moderator

    Paul, I’ve just emailed you directly as you won’t be able to see private replies.


    Paul Braun

    Ross – it works as expected.

    Perfect timing, I was needing to contact client today.

    THANK YOU !!

    Daan van den Eeden

    Super thanks!! We’ve got also a client update tommorow so you are our hero! Thanks!

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