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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Manage Sites, can't deactivate site

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  • Steve Ballard


    We had our website on a development server (footsteps-development) whilst we was building it. And how since put the site live.

    We noticed when trying to update the plugin that we got an error message saying “Update Failed: Download failed. Unauthorized”

    So we had a look around the forum here and found that the issue is that the license is on the development site.

    We tried to change it by clicking on manage sites and deactivating the so we could then enable it onto the live site however clicking the deactivate link just seems to refresh the page.



    Trevor Moderator

    For each change you make, our server can take a little while to update your account (maybe 15-30 minutes). By now it should have deactivated the site, so you can now activate the correct site, but again give it time before trying to update or check.

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