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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Infinite scroll not working on initial load

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  • IT Administrator

    Hi there I must be missing something. This should be using infinite scroll and it shows no results after the initial 9 loaded. As soon as I select a filter change program to “photography” for example then it works 100% ok and how we want it to. Please advice?

    Trevor Moderator
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    IT Administrator
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    Trevor Moderator

    Can you see this post and add the line suggested to see if that makes a difference?

    IT Administrator

    That’s actually already in my wp-config from troubleshooting another issue.

    Trevor Moderator

    I had another look at the form and your results.php file. You have changed the structure of the HTML used in that template, so I added the classes that appear to be correct in here:

    Post / Result Selector: .WorkshopListing-item
    Infinite Scroll Container: .WorkshopListing

    It looks like your site is undergoing changes right now though, so I am unsure if it is safe to test?

    IT Administrator
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    Trevor Moderator
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    IT Administrator
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    Trevor Moderator
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