Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Customized result list style

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  • Anonymous

    Congratulations for your job.
    I am very happy with your plugin, it’s very powerful!

    I have a doubt, I am using my filter in one page and I show results by shortcode below the filter. The results are displaying in one column list (each one occupy the full width of the container), but I want to display them in 4 columns. Is it possible? Is it necessary make it with css or there are any setting done??

    Thank you very much!!
    Best regards, Pau.


    If there aren’t any setting to customize the result list,
    i would need to add a class to the div that contains each result. If this div had one class, I could get css styles to make my custom list in 4 cols.

    Can you said me which is the file that contains this code?



    We do not have code to make a column/grid for you in the shortcode method.

    You can follow the Customising the Results documentation (so you have your own copy of the results.php file). The you can edit/customize the file as you wish.

    It IS possible to add code from your own theme that would make a grid, if your theme has such code visible on other pages so that you can inspect it to copy it.

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    I think the problem is that I was using dropdown…
    I would need to use a checkbox or multiselect, but I would want that it was displayed in a dropdown menu style…


    The problem is that, in general, you can use a particular Taxonomy (or Category/Tags, each Taxonomy and each Custom Field) only once in the form. You would need to make additional custom taxonomies. This post tries to explain this a bit better (you can use a plugin to switch category terms from category to any new taxonomy that you make, so it is not so hard to do). It is a really awful preachy lecture I wrote:

    Sorry about the tone, but the message is right and it links to good plugins (except taxonomy switcher I think).



    I already activated Advanced custom field plugin and create a new field group, and I can see it in my portfolio item page. Also I have all options in y field and I can selected.

    But now, it don’t appear in my Search and Filter Pro plugin… How can I do to show my new field in the filter?? I don’t know how to make it…

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