Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Update "found posts"

  • This topic has 10 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • Anonymous


    I would like to put this function outside of results.php to place it in a particular place:
    Found <?php echo $query->found_posts; ?> Results

    But that does not work (normal).
    It works if I slightly chance the function:
    Found <?php echo $wp_query->found_posts; ?> Results

    But it does not update when searching (Ajax).

    Is there a way to make it work?

    Thanks in advance.


    Ajax only updates part of your page. Anything inside the container that it updates will change, but you may have inserted the count outside that container. In the shortcode method, what is inside results.php gets refreshed, what is outside does not.


    Ok, that’s what I told myself.
    But it’s not possible to recover the value with a callback?


    You COULD use this function, by adding your own javascript to alter other parts of the page:

    <script>(function ( $ ) {
      "use strict";
      $(document).on("sf:ajaxfinish", ".searchandfilter", function(){
        console.log("ajax complete");
    // load your code here

    This will trigger every time our Ajax call is run.


    Your code works, thanks!
    And do you know where is the data “number of results”?

    $(document).on("sf:ajaxfinish", ".searchandfilter", function(data){

    Isn’t that what you have?


    I have an object with infinite information.


    I do not understand?


    Here is what I have in my console.

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