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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Cache doesn't seem to fully build after 2.4 update

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  • Cody Henderson

    The cache building progress bar reaches 100%, but after rebuilding cache there are a very large number of missing products from the pages that use the forms. Our PHP log also is registering tons of errors throughout the cache rebuild process, but not much info can be gathered from them.

    The forms on our site are used in two different ways. Displayed via WooCommerce store categories, and displayed via a shortcode in a couple custom template files.

    There are missing products in both areas. After the plugin was updated, no settings were changed, but after seeing the note in the changelog, the first thing I did was rebuild the cache. The problem has persisted ever since and I’ve attempted to change different settings relating to how many conditions were required, and simplified the conditions until it was configured to only display “products” from a single category that all the products are in, and the problem still existed.

    The strangest part is after reverting back to the previous version of S&F Pro, the problem still seems to exist, again, after multiple changes to settings and many attempts at cache rebuilds. Let me know what other info would be helpful.

    Ross Moderator
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    Cody Henderson
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    Ross Moderator
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    Cody Henderson
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    Cody Henderson

    Any update on this?

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Cody

    I should be back on this later today. Was tied up on Friday on another issue.


    Ross Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Cody Henderson
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Cody Henderson
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