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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro General search function not working

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  • Alexandra Wilk


    The search appears to be able to search via category, tag, post type and custom field.
    However the general search box where you simply type key words does not work.

    Please could you help me solve this issue?
    The site is:

    Many thanks,


    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Alexandra Wilk
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator


    I didn’t get an earlier reply, so something must have gone wrong with that, sorry.

    I see that you use WP Engine, which gives me an idea.

    There is a setting to override a feature of WP Engine hosting, that truncates long SQL queries (which ours are). Edit the site wp-config.php file and add this at the top, after line 1 (on a new line 2):

    define('WPE_GOVERNOR', false);

    (also see here for another related support note about this –

    I would just say though, that rather than adding this in blindly, to research and make sure this setting doesn’t adversely affect anything in your site.

    Trevor Moderator

    Looking at your setup:

    These two settings are to be used only if Relevanssi plugin is installed, and I do not see it, so that is more likely the cause. Either install Relevanssi and refer to our documentation here:

    OR uncheck those two options.

    Alexandra Wilk

    Hi Trevor,

    Thanks so much, it appears that Relevanssi was indeed causing the problem. The search works now I have unchecked those options.

    Thank you!

    I’m not sure whether this is beyond your support service, but I am also trying to hide and show the filter options using Jquery toggle class on click of ‘advanced search’.

    This works fine, except for the fact that once the item is selected from the dropdown menu, the fields hide again. I would like them to stay visible until the ‘advanced search’ button is clicked again.

    I realise this might be a jquery question rather than a plugin one, but I wonder whether the classes change when the filter options are selected? Or if there is way you normally recommend to do this?

    Thanks so much,


    Trevor Moderator

    Are you using Ajax to reload the results? A page reload without Ajax would cause what you see. If Ajax is in use (with the option to use it only on the result page), you might get what you want.

    Alexandra Wilk

    Hi Trevor,

    I wasn’t using ajax no… now I am, and I have de-selected ‘Only use Ajax on the results page?’ but it does not seem to make any difference…

    Alexandra Wilk

    Dear Trevor,

    I have a separate question that I hope you might be able to help with:

    When I search for a keyword, I get ‘Search results for: $keyword’
    However when I use the filter drop downs, the search results page does not display what was searched for.

    How can I add this functionality?

    Thanks for your help,

    Trevor Moderator

    In the current version of our plugin, it will some coding on your part. Our documentation is here:

    We plan to make this much easier in the next major version (V3).

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