Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro ajax pagination

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  • Anonymous

    I’m using your visual composer post grid plugin to display my search results and cant figure out how to get pagination to work. I’m not sure what to put into the pagination selector box in search and filter search form. I would like a load more button like I use on the rest of my site. Any guidance would be appreciated


    Our plugin generally only supports Normal (WordPress Type) pagination and infinite scroll. We do not (yet) have a load more option. Are those two options in the Post grid element settings?


    vc post grid settings only has 1 option for pagination which is called wordpress pagination. I have selected that and tried putting in each of these .pagination, .pagination a, .navigation, and .navigation a, in the search and filter pagination box but none of them work. the pagination page numbers are at the bottom of the search results but you cant click on any of them. I’m wondering if I have to put something different in the search and filter pagination box but dont know what that would be

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    OK. Pagination. I have set the Post grid element pagination to None and in our plugin set pagination to infinite scroll. It seems to work for me on the dog breeds page. Does it for you?

    The scroll window to only has three options. Other than the default All option, I am not sure the other two would be suitable. If you want to be able to specify a jquery selector, you might need to create a feature request in that forum.

    The images question is related to the grid that WPBakery Page Builder makes, over which we have no control.

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