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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filter by some post meta shows no results

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 20 total)
  • Tomasz

    The website is


    Sorry also the filtering is in the middle of the homepage, the screen with the dropdown:

    Trevor Moderator


    In the form setup, on the first (General) settings tab, can you make sure both Auto Count settings are ON, and in the field control for that field, can you make sure Show Count is on (for testing)?



    Hm that’s weird, the city disappeared. Any ideas? I’ll duplicate one post to create a fresh post with localisation “Gdynia”.

    Trevor Moderator

    Without Auto Count on, sometimes old values do show.


    Yes, but the thing is, that I just created a new post with a localisation Gdynia and it’s not appearing at all. There are few other posts with this localisation but somehow, the plugin doesn’t show it in results.

    Trevor Moderator

    How many posts does you site have? What happens if you press the Rebuild Cache button, and how long does it take?


    Currently there is 603 posts.

    Previously when I pressed Rebuild Cache button it took like 5sec and everything was done.

    Now it actually was rebuilding the cache and it took like 2minutes but still the first newest post got localisation Gdynia but it’s not visible when filtered.

    Also just FYI there are no conditions in the Post Meta tab.


    Also I don’t know why but the localisation GdaƄsk is duplicated ?

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 20 total)

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