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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Is possible to use "Child Theme" for results.php?

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  • Davi de Assis

    I want to customize the results.php file and keep it safe from updates… so, it’s possible to use some kind of “child theme” or something similar?

    In fact would be GREAAAAT to have options to customize the results trough plugin options screen/back-end in the next updates.

    Anyway… how I create a “child theme” for Search & Filter PRO?

    Thanks! 😀

    Trisha Miller

    Yep, it’s actually pretty easy to do also……

    Create a folder IN your WP Theme folder and name it /search-filter

    Then start with any template (e.g. results.php) and name it for the search filter you’ve created. For example, in your search and filter shortcode, it gives you a form ID, such as “102”, so name your template page “102.php” and put it in that new folder and upload it.

    S&P will use your new template file to display your results.

    Davi de Assis

    But I’m using a theme with Page Builder and the shortcodes in my home page (inside the Page Builder)… so I need to keep the shortcodes, but use a custom template too… but how?!

    Ross Moderator

    Thanks Trisha!

    Hey Davi – Trisha is correct.

    You can customise the results shortcode following the instructions here:

    However you will not be able to use “page builder” to make this template. I would get in touch with your theme developers on how to use page builder to create layouts for regular WordPress templates – then you may be able to to use this – otherwise you must follow the instructions at the above link.


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