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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro search results wrong

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  • Marianna

    so far i have 3 posts people can search for.
    i know that i have 2 items in a particular search category. and the search page correctly shows the count in paranthesis. but the results only show one item.
    the same with the dropdowns, it will show that there should be one item, when i select this item, then hit search, it will give the sorry message.
    it’s the latest post i put up that will not show in the results page.
    this was all working fine with the free version. that’s why i thought i would give pro a try. but now i am all frustrated 🙁

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Marianna

    Do you have a link I could look at?

    The pro version adds tons of features, which means some of it is had to be changed – the free version would not be able to do many of the functions.

    Have you looked at the docs yet? –



    first: thank you so much for responding.
    i kind of fixed this problem, not elegantly.
    what happened? i have a search by category, by tags, and by taxonomies i created. not every post has a tag though. what happened? the post that had no tag, showed up in the display result but would not be included in the search results. so i added a tag called none. will be good enough for now.
    i wish i could not tag a post and still have it show up in a search. and there probably is a way, but it’s not something i was able to figure out on my own.
    oh, and here is the site:

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Marianna

    Thanks for the updates – just to let you know it is not a requirement that a post has a tag in order for it to show up in search results – it should behave just the same as category…

    There might be something in your setup modifying this query but its hard to guess…


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