Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Form suddenly stopped displaying

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  • Anonymous

    Our site is doing the same thing. My code has been minified too. Can you share what js your plugin uses that I can try and add as an exception?


    The javascript file that we use is:


    Plus one for comboboxes (either select2 or chosen)


    It might be something else, as I deleted the minification and cache, turn off these plugins and the display problem persists.



    What problem are you seeing. I did a search for Blackhawk blades and it worked OK for me?


    Your plugin is used to generate results for ‘Find a Holster’



    In the page source, I can see the basic Search & Filter form HTML, but it has gone from the displayed HTML. Something has removed it from the site.

    My normal process is this for finding the issue:

    1. Disable any CDN
    2. Deactivate any WordPress cache plugin
    3. Deactivate any WordPress minification plugin
    4. Clear all server side caches (Redis, Memcache, Varnish etc)
    5. Deactivate all plugins except Search & Filter, and any that are need to make the page (e.g. the base WooCommerce, CPT UI, ACF etc)


    Ok, I will try that. Thanks!


    Only have the base plugins enabled. Same issue persists.


    I have split this thread so that we can send each other private replies (only the thread starter can see all private replies).

    This reply has been marked as private.
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