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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Building a search using Advanced Custom Fields plugin

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  • Graham Barnes

    Hi I bought this plugin as I want to build a search from fields and dropdowns I have created using the advanced custom fields plugin, but none of my acf fields show when i go and create a form in the admin, can anyone help?


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Graham

    Add a “post meta” field to your form, in there you will have a “meta key” dropdown – you need to match this up to the keys used in ACF 🙂


    Graham Barnes

    Hi Ross,
    Thanks for the quick reply. I tried that but it only allows you to have options that have been selected from the ACF fields, I want to show certain fields whether posts have selected them or not e.g at present if I only have 5 properties and 10 locations all 10 locations should show in the form whether or not them being used by the properties, is this possible?


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Graham, this is kind of possible, basically the auto suggest as you mention, searches all your posts and grabs the post meta that is in use.

    If you wish to add post meta that is not in use, you must add the additional options you want manually.. To allow this plugin to work with all kinds of post meta (not just created by ACF) then this is the way the autosuggest feature must work.


    Graham Barnes

    Hi Ross,
    Thanks again for the quick reply. Unfortunately i am looking for something which will show all the post data as mentioned and the client who will be using this has no technical knowledge and with prices etc these are fluid options so this may not be what they are looking for, I will take a closer look tonight and will speak with the client. However if they are unable to use it am I entitled to a refund because the client would have been paying for the plugin anyway once I had got it all working and installed as they required.


    Ross Moderator
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    Graham Barnes
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    Ross Moderator
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    Joni Kaunismäki

    Hi! I have exactly the same kind of situation here. Is it possible to automatically add all the post meta values instead of manually adding future values here?

    Ross Moderator

    I’m afraid not – but I’m currently working on this feature – hope to be out in the next month.


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