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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Post object field grouping

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  • Arne Olafson

    I have custom post types “Building” and “Room” where Rooms have a Post Object field to a Specific Building. So Buildings can have many rooms but a room can only be in one building. I am trying to create a search for rooms and have them grouped by building, i.e.
    Building 1: Title, address, etc.
    -Room 1 Number, rent, sq ft etc.
    -Room 5 Number, rent, sq ft etc.
    Building 2: Title, address, etc
    -Room 17 Number, rent, sq ft etc.
    -Room 3 Number, rent, sq ft etc.
    I have done several searches for “Search and Filter Pro” + “Group by” etc. and haven’t found any help.
    I am hoping there is a solution to this, as the current results are just not usable, e.g.
    Building 2 Room 17 Title, number, rent, sq ft, etc
    Building 1 Room 5 Title, number, rent, sq ft etc.
    Building 1 Room 1 Title, number, rent, sq ft etc.

    Trevor Moderator

    The only way I can see that you can do this is to use the Shortcode Display results method:

    And the follow the customisation guide there, and then make sure the primary and secondary sort orders are set in the form, and use variable to detect when the Building changes to add the group title HTML block. ACF has its own functions to allow you to fetch other data through those relationships.

    So, it IS possible (and I have done it at some point before, but cannot recall when or where).

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