Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Beaver Builder Posts Module AJAX integration

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  • Anonymous


    I’m having trouble getting AJAX to work whilst using Beaver Builder’s Posts module.

    Is there any documentation on this or anything specific I need to be doing?

    Thanks in advance!



    Are you able to describe what is going wrong? For example, some post grids use Masonry or Salvattore to put the posts into columns so that rows do not leave spaces underneath individual posts, which gives the grid a much tidier ‘look’.

    The script that does this has to be re-triggered after our Ajax has run.

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    I did add .fl-post-feed as the Ajax Container, but that had no effect. This means that beaver theme is doing something odd with the wp_query.

    Do you have this search on many pages?

    You may need to go back to the folk at Beaver Builder and ask how you can add an extra argument to the wp_query. They might have a hook that can do that.

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