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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Sort results by taxonomy terms

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  • David Morneau


    Is it possible to sort the search results by taxonomy term? Further, is it possible to give the user the option of sorting by different taxonomy terms? I don’t see an option for it in the Sort Order field.

    For context, you can see what I’m building here:
    I would like to give the option to sort results by “Ensemble Size” and “Duration” (at least).

    thank you!

    Trevor Moderator

    I am sorry, it is not possible. To be able to sort on data, it is required that only one value per post can be stored in the database, but Taxonomies are multiple values stored as arrays by WordPress.

    If you have a single term for each post, consider making this a custom field instead (using a plugin like ACF), which can then be sorted.

    David Morneau

    Okay. Thanks for the quick reply. I’ll explore the custom field option.

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