Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Post Meta & Relationship (ACF)

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  • Anonymous


    I would like to display in a checkbox all the posts of a custom post type (“venue”) and filter through a “Relationship” field of the ACF plugin.
    My events would thus be filterable by venue.

    I added a “Post Meta” field:
    – Choice > Checkbox
    – Meta Key: “_venue_relatioship”
    – Options: Automatically
    – Is ACF Field? > Checked
    – I rebuilt the cache

    But in my form, I have a label “field_59ad25c1829b9”.

    Is I wish is possible?




    It is the meta key you have used:

    – Meta Key: “_venue_relatioship”

    Find the same one in the list, but WITHOUT the preceding underscore (it will most likely be further down the choices):

    – Meta Key: “venue_relatioship”

    BTW, that field name is missing the ‘n’, just in case that is a typo in your post.


    Thank you so much!!!
    It works now, really a great plugin!

    PS: Yes, error when writing the question. 🙂


    And excellent support too. 😉

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