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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Exclude Categories

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  • A Name Already In Use

    I’m trying to exclude categories at the top level in the settings and default conditions area and also in the Advanced Settings of the Category dropdown where I’m trying to configure the exclusion.

    You’ll notice in the sample URL that the Category dropdown still contains the Articles main category when I’ve expressly used the search icon and checked off the categories I’ve wanted to exclude. I’ve tried this numerous ways with the same result. Any ideas how to troubleshoot this?

    Sample Link:

    A Name Already In Use

    Also, quick update while waiting to hear from you guys. I’ve disabled all but the Search & Filter Pro plugin active and also made the 2015 theme active and am getting the same result.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi there

    Thanks for the info – I’m uploading an update atm but having some technical issues – I’ll get back to you once these are resolved and the update has gone live.


    A Name Already In Use

    Okay, I am new to the purchase of the Pro plugin so I have no idea of how to receive updates or where to download them. If you could reply back with how that is usually done that would be great. Thanks much.

    Ross Moderator

    We’re having trouble with our servers supplying automatic updates which is what I’m working on at the moment – however if you need to get the latest version you can download this via the “your account” in our navigation 🙂

    A Name Already In Use

    Okay, I upgraded to 1.4.1 but I don’t think this addresses my problem as I am seeing the same problem in that it is ignoring my request to omit certain catgories. I also did not see this as a bug references as fixed in the readme? What am I missing?

    A Name Already In Use

    Found the problem, I have NO IDEA how to fix it…when I choose the Hierarchical checkbox in the Category option while using it as a Dropdown it ignores Excludes.

    I found a work-around by allow multi-select option but that really is not desirable. Any chance you can provide a fix to this pretty fast?

    Ross Moderator

    Cool I’ll look at that later on today 🙂 Thanks for the find.

    A Name Already In Use

    I actually LOVE the multi-select option so it’s not really a problem for me at this point. I do find the auto-complete to not be very “smart” LOL. I’m assuming you are using jQuery for that aspect…maybe some configuration options on how the auto-complete performs searches on the Category if possible?

    Feel free to mark this as resolved, I’m good to go.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey there – is it when you’re searching for children when using hierarchical? I think there is a small bug here which I need to look into…!

    Going to leave this open anyway as you have found a bug and I’ll mark as resolved when I’ve patched it 🙂


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