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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Search & Filter Pro Form + Salient Portfolio

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  • Joe Caruso

    Hey there – I’m trying to use a Search and Filter Pro Form to filter portfolio items from a Salient portfolio element. However, the Search Form and the Salient Portfolio don’t seem to be communicating. Nothing happens when I try to select filters. Here’s the page:

    I was able to get things working when I displayed results using a Shortcode (shown here:, but I want the styling of the results to match that of the Salient portfolio element.

    What should I do? Would it be easier to configure Salient and Search and Filter Pro to work together? Or to do custom styling on the default Shortcode results. Would appreciate guidance either way.


    Trevor Moderator

    I think this MIGHT work:

    Change the Display results method to Custom

    Set the Results URL to the full page URL of your portfolio page

    Add the form in the usual way (probably using the shortcode), like this (with your form ID instead of 123):

    [searchandfilter id="123"]

    and then, just before the portfolio block (and if the form is just above the portfolio block this can be in the same block as that, after the form shortcode), this shortcode:

    [searchandfilter id="123" action="filter_next_query"]

    I do not know if Ajax will work, it might not, so try at first without that.

    Joe Caruso

    Thanks for the response. Just tried that, and unfortunately, nothing changed.

    Unless you know of another way to connect my form with the Salient portfolio widget, then my best bet might be to customize the results listings myself. Is there any documentation on how to do that?

    Trevor Moderator

    Does Salient include Visual Composer, if so, which version, and does it have the original Visual Composer Post and Media Grid elements (and their Masonry equivalents)?

    Joe Caruso

    Yes, it comes with Visual Composer.

    The version is 8.0.15.

    I’m not sure about the original Post and Media grid elements – how do I verify?

    Trevor Moderator

    That’s odd. Visual Composer is only at v5.2.1 I think.

    Here is a screenshot of the normal elements:

    Fred Santos

    Some years later: in the “ajax container” field, insert .row.portfolio-items

    I’ve got a bug in the search: the filter works, but the opacity of the results were equals 0.

    So, I inserted in the child theme style.css

    .portfolio-items .col .inner-wrap[data-animation=”fade_in”], .portfolio-items:not(.carousel) .col .inner-wrap.animated {
    opacity: 1!important;

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