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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro "No results found" and price range not working

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  • Didier TURCK

    Hi Ross,

    Now the search form seems to work … for most of the case but …

    1/ I have 3 articles that are available in a category and in the dropdown list it shows “3”.
    But if I select this category and valid the search it returns “No results found”.
    I have also noticed that in some case the number of article in a category is not exactly the same than in the results.

    2/ I have an other problem with the price range. The results do not match the price range selected.
    For exemple I have product in the results that are 99€ but I have asked for 0 to 50€.

    Any idea ?

    Thank you.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Didier

    To answer your questions:

    1) The number used in brackets is taken from WordPress count – which is managed by WP itself – if for example in WP admin, you click on “categories” under “posts”, you will see a “count” number, this plugin uses that – so it doesn’t reflect/respect the current search preferences.

    Search & Filter 2.0 will have this feature, which I was hoping to release at the end of this month however I’m a little behind on it.

    2) How are you storing your prices? They must not have any text or currency symbols and must only be the number – otherwise you will get strange results.


    Didier TURCK

    Hi Ross,

    For 2/ it seems that the theme try to show the featured articles in the result page even if they do not match with the request. I work on this but then it do not concern S&F.

    For 1/ I understand that the number in bracket is from WP and not from S&F. But in a category I really have 3 articles and when I select this category (META) it returns “No results”.
    I have check in S&F config and I do not find any filter that would explain that.

    Any idea ?

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