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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Multilingual – falls back to english search page

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  • Gregor Stühler

    Hey, we have a bilingual (WPML) product directory page. The default language is English.

    I now created a search form for English and German.

    For the German Page the Link is eg.

    If I now search for a product, only German product Posts appear (which is good!)

    However, what happens is that the URL changes:

    So there are only German Products but we are not on the German page anymore! If the user now seeks for a keyword he only gets english product results.

    Hope for help! Thank you very much!

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Gregor I’ve just mailed you an updated version so please test this…

    Do you have a link I could look at (you can send a private reply)?

    In the “display results” tab, if you are using the shortcode option then try the following:

    Make sure that in your translated version of the search form that you also update Results URL to reflect the URL for that specific language.


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