Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Problem with the appearance of the search box

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  • Anonymous

    Every thing was OK with the plugin and I realised today that there is a problem with my search box (due to update?): the 3 boxes of search (Votre DESTINATION, Hébergement à THÈME, TYPE d’hébergement) are no more horizontal but vertical as you can see on the page How to put them as before?
    And on the others pages, in the sidebar there was a picture on the backgound of the searchox, the same picture that is on the homepage, but the picture has disapeared.
    Thanks for help
    Best regards


    I solved my fisrt problem with the CSS but I don’t manage to have my picture in the widget of the sidebar as before…


    Hi Géraldine

    It is possible a theme update has overwritten Custom CSS. You should be using a child theme to avoid this.

    I can see that you license for updates and supported has expired, so you would need to renew to allow me to continue this conversation.

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