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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Taxonomy filter showing no result

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  • Suyash Pratap

    Reopening this cz of lack of response on general category –

    Okay, I’ve been experiencing this problem and it’s kinda frustrating too. I have 3 custom taxonomies for my custom post type property, That are property-type( Hierarchial ), property-location ( Hierarchial ) and property-status. My search form consists of all 3 of these taxonomies and keyword search.Problem I am facing is – Search based on former 2 taxonomies(Property type and location) work perfectly fine however search based on my 3rd taxonomy is what mess things up, It usually doesn’t show me correct result whenever I check values other than all for this taxonomy, many results get truncated which I can see instead when all was selected. I really can’t understand the problem and this is really pushing my project deadlines to its limit. Any help or support regarding this will be very much appreciated…If you want to look at live page here’s the link (Plz reply if something else seems wrong, cz i’ll be trying my petty tricks on my website,so some things might be down) –

    and For example of problems ( i forgot to add it above ) –
    set – property location (3rd combo box ) as -> ‘DLF – 1’
    set – property type ( 2nd combo box ) as -> ‘Residential-KOTHI’

    First try with keeping The Radio button on ALL (set of 3 buttons in form), there u can see a lot of results appear including SALE or LEASE/RENT but if u try to add filter of 3rd taxonomy and set it to either Lease/RENT or SALE for same set of values for other combo boxes results get truncated. Lease / Rent is showing some results whereas SALE is showing no posts at all !!

    What I tried –
    -> Rebuilding the cache – Doesn’t seem helpful nd i have 30,000+ posts(Properties), so its not very time efficient to rebuild cache again and again.
    -> Using Relevanssi – Doesn’t look like they are even working together ( no new results at all ).
    -> Checked Exclude/Include option and made sure nothing is changed there.
    -> Tried 50+ times with different settings without success.

    Please a fast reply is really required, hope you understand…. Thanks in advance.

    Trevor Moderator


    Before I go too far with this, is this request any different from the previous post? To me it looks like the same question? To avoid duplication, for now I have closed replies to the other post.

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