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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Results page not found…

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  • Escape2ski

    Hi again – sorry my last “problem” was just due to incomplete reading of the instructions! However, I have a genuine issue now…

    I want my results to show on a separate page. So I uncheck “Auto submit form” and “Load results using Ajax” (as well as adding a Submit button). I enter the URL of my page containing the results shortcode in “Template options”. But when I try a search, I get an “Error 404 – Page not found” error.

    A sample of the kind of URL it’s trying to resolve shows why it’s not going anywhere:


    It’s tacking on the name of the search page (“advanced-resort-search”) to the results page (“search-results”).

    Why would it be doing that?

    If I remove the “/advanced-resort-search” from the URL, it shows my results as expected.

    Thanks for any suggestions you can offer!

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Adam

    So to clarify – in admin,

    In settings box, under “display results” you have checked “as archive”, then underneath there is a place to enter a slug, and you have entered this?

    WP uses URL rewriting to display a page at this url.

    So, to test this, try entering your slug without the forward slash (“/advanced-resort-search” should become “advanced-resort-search”)

    Then in WP, under settings -> permalinks, make sure you are using something other than “default”, save and test again.

    Let me know if that fixes it 🙂



    Thanks Ross. Actually I had the results set to the “As Shortcode” option, and had placed the shortcode in a different page, containing the results shortcode, with the “search-results” slug. Shouldn’t that have worked?

    At any rate, I have it working now using the As Archive option – now that I’ve set everything properly, it does work.


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Adam

    I’m confused, when you choose “as shortcode” in the admin, the option to set a slug should disappear?

    When using as shortcode, you don’t need to worry about the page or url, because it will take the slug from the page itself – the page you have embedded your shortcodes on?

    The full URL of this page should then be pasted in to the results URL box.

    To be honest its going to be a bit hard to help you unless you are able to provide me with a link, and if necessary some admin details so I can see what you are seeing.

    You do private replies on here or I would be happy to give you my email if you preferred sending details that way.


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