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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Filter won't display spesific category

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Stian Andresen

    Hey Ross,

    I’m having some unexpected issues with filtering correct results for my CPT.

    The CPT is registered with a custom taxonomy “type_publikasjon” that has two categories: “rapport” and “notat”. All the posts are split up within these two categories, but for some reason all the posts in notat won’t display, but all the posts in rapport displays just fine.

    Link to live filter page

    I tested this some more and whenever I mark “notat” the url doesn’t change, marking “rapport” adds correct “?_sft_type_publikasjon=rapport”.

    What could be causing this? All posts are published, and there’s no settings to exclude that particular category..

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Stian

    I’m not sure whats going on, but looking at your JS console, whenever only notat is shown you are getting a 500 internal server error (only in the logs)

    I have no idea what would cause this but think its unlikely this plugin as I’v literally never come across this before.

    I’ll send you and updated plugin anyway tomorrow which has various fixes in which may help but I don’t think its likely.


    Stian Andresen

    Alright, thanks for pointing that out. I’ll have to take a close look at that, it might be a problem with the server setup, or a mistake in the theme elsewhere.

    The plugin update is greatly appreciated 🙂

    Ross Moderator

    I’ve just sent you an updated version.


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