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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro chained filters values / User previous selects

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  • Anas LAHBABI


    Firstly, great work, it’s very easy to handle.

    I have an issue regarding the filters refresh regarding the previous user selection.

    As Example, I have cars brands and models. The modeles filter should display only the modeles of the brand selected by user. Now I have all the models displayed regardless the user previous brand choice.

    I understand that Parent/Child can handle this feature, but it’s only for taxnomies. I, fact, I have also post meta that are filled for each taxnomy and those should be displayed taking into account previous user selection.

    Please check and advise

    Anas LAHBABI


    Could you please advise on this post?

    Wainting for your help.

    Best regards

    Anas LAHBABI


    Please advise, I’m waiting for your answer and I hope you will find a moment to give me a feedback.


    Ross Moderator

    Hi Anas

    Just getting back on top of hte support requests from the weekend and this is one of them – I’ll be in touch later on today.


    Anas LAHBABI

    Could you please confirm back about this post.

    I’m still waiting for your help in order to start using your plugin.

    Please advise.


    Anas LAHBABI


    I’m Still waiting for feedback.

    Hope you will give a feedback.


    Ross Moderator

    Hi Anas

    Iv’e gone through and I think I know what you mean.

    I am currently building a feature where if you select one option in the search form then the other options adjust and change to show relevant options – I think this is what you want.

    Please check the demos – I don’t believe the functionality you want is in them?

    I will first implement taxonomies, and then later will come the same feature for post meta.


    Anas LAHBABI


    Thanks for your response.

    Of course, it’s exactly the feature I’m looking for.

    I will wait for next update.


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