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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro How can I ignore sticky posts?

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  • Stian Andresen

    Hey, I can’t see any options to ignore sticky posts. How can I achieve this?

    Just would like functionality that mimics ‘ignore_sticky_posts’ => 1

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Stian

    If you’re on the latest versiom then goto the post meta tab in the settings box 🙂


    Stian Andresen

    For some reason I can’t find it.

    Screenshot of my view of the meta tab

    I’ve gone through all of the different keys multiple times without finding anything related to sticky posts.. Am I looking in the wrong place?

    Ross Moderator

    Hmm Stian

    It looks like the sticky post information is stored in the options table….

    I assumed this was meta – it makes much more sense this way… I’ve seen some themes which store this as a 1 or a 0 if the post is sticky – it would be quite easy to implement something like this yourself but I assume you are working with an existing setup which works with sticky posts..

    This means it is not filterable by this plugin – however I will add support for this in.


    Stian Andresen

    Yes, we’re using standard WordPress functionality for this and we need to be able to exclude the sticky post from the loop, as we’ve created a separate position for that particular post.

    I think it probably would’ve been natural to include it under the “Tags, Categories & Taxonomies” tab if you’re planning on including it (and it’d help us out a lot) 😉

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Stian – it will be going under the “Posts” tab 😉

    Hopefully in the next update.


    Leo Joskowicz

    Has this been since added?

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Leo

    Its actually something thats just been added.

    I’ve just emailed you the update – it will be in the next official release.


    Idan Gabay

    Hi is it possible to get it also to my mail?

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Idan

    I just sent you the latest development version with this in.

    It is development though, so please backup your current version (just the files) in case you need to roll back the plugin.

    Support & dev is now closed until the 4th.


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