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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Position of search bar on page

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  • Rambus Admin


    Currently the search bar is grouped with the checkboxes on the left rail of our resource library page. I was wondering if there was a way to extract the search bar from this current list, and position it elsewhere on the page (I’d like to center it above the results with a width of 500px).

    Thank you! I will follow up in a private message with logins (if needed).

    Rambus Admin
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    The positioning of the search form is dependent on your theme page or template layout.

    In your case you use fusion builder. In that you made the page have a left sidebar and a main content. You would have to change that to one full width column and move the element blocks around. Then the form would need custom CSS writing to make it site how you want the elements (every designer has their own ideas, so it is hard to make a generic set of CSS for all).

    Rambus Admin

    haha thanks Trevor. I was hoping I could just take the easy way out and just assign a class to the search bar and manipulate the width that way. have a great weekend!

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