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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro doublets of posts when logged in

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  • Mathias Persson


    I have problem with my post sometimes shows up multiple times. Most often the post at the bottom shows up on top of the next page. This seems to happen when I am logged in. I have turned off ajax.

    Why do I experience this problem and how can I solve it?

    Thanks/ Mathias

    Trevor Moderator

    What sort order are you using, and do you have any sticky posts?

    Mathias Persson


    A have no sticky posts and I am using the following settings.

    Exclude Post IDs:
    Sticky Posts: ignore
    Default Order: Date, Descending
    Secondary Sort Order: None, Descending

    In my themes functions.php I use this code

    add_action( 'x_before_view_global__index', 'print_search_text' );
    function print_search_text(){
    		<div class="x-container max width"><?php echo do_shortcode( '[searchandfilter id="1583"]' ); ?></div>

    I have set Display results method: to Using a shortcode and I have turned off ajax. I cant get it to work. If I log out and clear the cache everything shows up fine with no doublets. If I log in to any om my wp accounts the doublets now shows up again.

    What am I doing wrong?

    Kind regards/ Mathias

    Trevor Moderator
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    Mathias Persson
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    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Mathias Persson
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator


    I switched OFF Maintain Search Form State and ON for Auto Count, but it makes no difference. What I DO notice is that the results on the default load on the page are ordered randomly. If I reload, I get different results.

    As the Display Results method is As an Archive, this means it relies on the theme to perform the wp_query, and my guess would be something in the template for this page or the theme is doing this.

    Do you know which template file this page uses? Or is it built with a content builder?

    Mathias Persson
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    That might be the template, but it does not have the wp_query in it, which must be in another theme file. Looking at that code, it also shows that the posts grid is made using Masonry/Isotope and that means that you cannot use Ajax page refresh in our plugin, as it would require some extra code from the plugin author to enable the reload of the Masonry code, and I have asked them before and they do not seem able to provide it.

    Is our filter working OK with the content otherwise?

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