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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Re-ordering Tags in Search Form

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  • Art Munson

    I’ve searched the forum on this and can’t find an answer. I have 10 tags that I am using in a Search Form to filter search results. I’d like to be able to re-order the tags displayed. I tried re-ordering the tag IDs in the Include Specific Results section and selected Order Terms by ID but that doesn’t work. Is there any way to order the tag terms displayed in a search form?

    I also have those same terms in a custom field but that route didn’t work either.

    You can see them here under Mixes.

    Thank you.

    Trevor Moderator

    Are you saying that the Order Terms by setting does not work (in the form UI, Taxonomy/Category/Tags field element advanced settings section)?

    Or do you need a custom order (like the fields form elements have the option to manually add the terms and drag and drop the order)?

    Art Munson

    Hi Trevor,

    In the Tag, Order terms by: I have it set for Default, ASC. The “included tags” are ordered by 48,1244,1249,1286,1304,1247,1248,1250,1246,1245 which I thought would display as:

    Full Track
    No Drums
    Sting – Bumper
    15 Second
    30 Second
    60 Second

    Instead they are displayed as:
    15 Second
    30 Second
    60 Second
    Full Track
    No Drums
    Sting – Bumper

    Am I just not understanding this correctly?



    Trevor Moderator

    How did you put them in that ID number order? Did you use a plugin?

    Art Munson

    In your plugin at Settings & Defaults, under the Tags, Categories & Taxonomies there is a section to Include or Exclude results I Included Tags, Comma Separated IDs 48,1244,1249,1286,1304,1247,1248,1250,1246,1245

    Trevor Moderator

    Ah, that list order is not used. The plugin respects only the order set in the Form UI section, inside the field element settings.

    Art Munson

    Got it. Is there any way to sort the way I would like? In this orer 48,1244,1249,1286,1304,1247,1248,1250,1246,1245?

    Trevor Moderator

    If this list is likely to be limited or not very often changed, then making it a custom field (in ACF) allows you to manually create the list in the Post Meta form field element.

    Art Munson

    I do have the same data in a custom field and tried that previously but the sort options are “Value”, “Label” or “None”, so I still could not get the list to display in the order I wanted. Would ACF make that possible? I played around with ACF previously but it did not recognize the Custom Fields I have.

    Trevor Moderator

    When you had it as a custom field, you can change Get Values from Automatically to Manually and then manipulate their order as you wish.

    With ACF, you have to make sure you choose the correct meta key name. ACF has 3 key names per field. One will be the name you used, WITHOUT a preceding underscore. There will be a false one WITH a preceding underscore, and other beginning field.......

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